Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Waiting for the Answer

You know those times when you're looking for God's will, but you really don't know which way it's going to go? I've been going through that recently, hoping it's a 'yes', fearing it could be a 'no', but really just not sure of anything. I'm still waiting for the answer.
Earlier I was on Pinterest, looking for encouragement (wrong place to go to begin with! ;)). I typed in 'when God says no' and was looking at different things. All of the sudden, this thought popped into my head. I don't know that it was God saying it... But the thought was "I haven't said 'no' yet; why are you acting like I have?" Wow... I do not know that 'yes' is in the picture, but I need to stop looking for and acting like it is the 'no'... Yes, I need to hold this area with open hands, but I don't need to act like God has taken it away, because He hasn't yet. I need to trust Him for whether it is a 'yes' or a 'no'. I've not been looking at today; my eyes have been focused on the future 'maybes' and the possibility of a 'no' answer recently. While those are very real, it's making me discouraged over something I have no cause to be discouraged about yet. It is making me focus on me and possible hurt and possible struggles when God hasn't given them to me yet. What if the answer is 'yes'? I will have had multiple bad days all because I was focusing on something that I didn't have to deal with. And what if the answer is 'no'? Then He will give me sufficient grace then, not now. Just as tomorrow's blessings are not mine for today, neither are tomorrow's sorrows or struggles. I must stop focusing on what the answer to my questions and dreams may be, and focus on the Answer Himself and what He has for me today. Then everything else will fall into its proper place in my focus.

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