
>> I'm an almost 21 year old blogger, living in Virginia
>> Coffee is my blood-type (bring on the Scottish Grog y'all)
>> I love my parents (even when the going gets tough)
>> I have an awesomely awesome younger sister (yes we are partners in crime)

As a Christian, I have been called to let my light shine before men (see Matthew 5:16).

How can I let my light shine before those in which I don't see or associate with?

The purpose behind this site, is not only to reach out to the world, but also to keep my extended family + friends up to date with my crazy, grace-filled life.
It is to encourage the current generation, and the generations to come, in the way of our Savior.
Will the generation now and that of the future, bring forth a vision of revival + hope + restoration?

My interests and hobbies include:
blogging, taking pictures, scrap-booking,reading a good wholesome book [my Bible], driving, watching a good movie, going down to the beach, playing the piano, baking, going to Iowa to visit family and friends,  studying about things that are important in life, going to the thrift stores with my mom, doing people's hair, watching my sister grow into a beautiful young lady.

I believe :
- Our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever  
- Homosexuality is plain wrong
- Abortion is murder
- Family integration is important .... no matter the circumstance
- Saving your entire heart (emotionally and physically) and waiting for the man GOD has for you, is the way God wanted it.

I do not have these beliefs/convictions because (I'm a pastor's daughter and) I've been "brain-washed". I have them because I have been fully persuaded through God's Holy Word and observations that I have made.