Thursday, July 23, 2015

Re-thinking Mission Mindedness

So often when we think of missions we have this idea it means going abroad – over seas - to share the Gospel with those that are lost and have never heard the name Jesus Christ. It seems so glamorous in it's ideal situation. After all Jesus did tell us in Acts 1:8 that ye shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” But does that really mean that each of us must travel to the ends of the earth in order to share that sacred name; Jesus? It is my opinion that we, in fact, need to rethink what being mission-minded truly means according to the Scriptures.
Let us first explore Acts 1:8. When Jesus spoke this “Great Commission” He wasn't suggesting we all jump on the next red-eye flight bound for Tim-buck-too. He says that we will be witnesses of him in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost. Let me create a word picture – think of Jerusalem as your home; your neighborhood. Judea could be the city you live in. Samaria is the bigger picture; your country – the US. And of course the uttermost will be the places that you may never think of going (traveling abroad). So in this verse he talks of ministering to everyone... starting from those closest to you. But the where does it really start?

I believe it all starts at home.

Please don't misunderstand me... there is a definite place for people traveling across our boarders to tell others of what God did for us on the cross. I believe Christians (as a whole) have lost sight of the big picture. We see so many suffering and lost lives via the media, visiting missionaries, church bulletins that I think our lens is clouded as to what He first called us to – the family. I believe being mission-minded starts in the home; serving God selflessly and then extends outward with a motion like a drop of water in a cup. But what does serving God selflessly look like for a twelve, fourteen, sixteen, twenty (some) year old young lady look like today? A married woman?

It looks like a rose, emerging from the soil, beautifully giving credit to its Maker's design – blooming to be what it's suppose to be, exactly where the gardener has planted it, in its perfect time. Giving glory to God in everything.

We are each a rose, God is the Maker (as well as the gardener). He planted each of us, regardless of the season we are in, exactly where we are. He makes no mistakes, therefore if you are still in school, do your school to the glory of God. If you've graduated, waiting for Mr. Right to come along, be the helper at home that gives glory to God. (did you know learning to serve your earthly father as you would your husband is not only good practice, but also glorifying to God?) If you've crossed over into the blessed union of marriage (even motherhood) – learn to glorify God by becoming the best helpmeet (mother) you can be for those God has entrusted to you.

You see... being mission-minded is more than travel, glamor, and verbally sharing the Gospel with everyone you meet. It is learning the heart of God and allowing Him to have that ripple effect through us, through our family. That's why I believe family is the foundation. We must strive to be women of purpose; to live our lives discipling our children and loving our husbands. We must direct our children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. We must be intentionally living with a generational vision. Our home must be our first mission field. Our family must be those that we purpose to effect first. Our children should be foremost on our list to disciple.

I understand it's a difficult place to be; not knowing when and where God has you going next. Especially when you want something so badly. God tells us He is a light unto our path, a lamp unto our feet – with that light, from that lamp - we are only allowed to see a short distance. He offers to guide us and protect us, but we must be in His will, being obedient in faith that He knows best. I would like to encourage you to stay the course and not give in to the earthly ideals of where your mission field “should be”. There are plenty of opportunities for being mission-minded in your home, in your city, in this country. Allow God to grow the vision of His mission in your heart. And if you seek Him and his kingdom first, everything else will fall into place.

>> this post was submitted by Mrs. Lori B.

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